
NL4XAI video at ECAI 2020
Download the NL4XAI Flyer



Related Projects and Initiatives

  • AI4EU – A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem; click here to know more
  • PhilHumans – Personal Health Interfaces Leveraging Human-Machine Natural Interactions; click here to know more
  • NoBIAS – Artificial Intelligence without Bias; click here to know more
  • ANIMATAS – Advancing intuitive human-machine interaction with human-like social capabilities for education in schools; click here to know more
  • COST LITHME – Action network with members from every EU member state (plus a number of other countries outside the EU) with the aims of (1) to prepare linguistics and its subdisciplines for what is coming; and (2) to facilitate longer term dialogue between linguists and technology developers; click here to know more
  • COST MULTI3GENERATION – Action network for Multi-Task, Multi-Lingual, Multi-Modal Generation; click here to know more
  • ERC XAI project – Science and Technology for the Explanation of AI Decision Making; click here to know more
  • Australian Laureate Fellowship at UNSW on Trustworthy AI; click here to know more
  • UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Accountable, Responsible and Transparent AI; click here to know more
  • CDT STAI– Centre for Doctoral Training on Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence, UK; click here to know more
